Increase Your Business Turnover by 20% +


Having your management team performing at their peak through

The Management M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. University

Request A Call To See How I Can Help Your Business

How would having a management team working at their peak and maximising their teams impact your business?

Max Wilson - Director

"Excellent course and training.  Dave was a great trainer, providing a lot of valuable advice to help us improve.  A very worthwhile decision!"

Loraine - HR Director

"I really don't know what you did with my Directors but it is amazing, thank you!"

Emma Smith - Manager

"I found this course really helpful and will 100% help me.  Dave, who ran the course, definitely knew what he was talking about.  I would highly recommend this course."

Charmaine - Business Owner

"It was a great course and very interactive.  Dave was very patient and took the time to make sure the team understood what was being said and how we can apply things to our personal lives."

Dan - Manager

"I just wanted to send you a message to let you know I really enjoyed the training we had yesterday and I've taken a lot from it that I will put into practice.  Not just in work but my every day life as well."

Anna Betts - Business Owner 

"Out of all the training courses I've attended and trainers I've met so far, you've been the most inspiring!"

Why is NOW, the right time for you?

  • Breakdown in key workplace relationship sees half (49%) of UK workers leave job because of line manager
  • Fewer than one in five workers (18%) feel they can trust their boss
  • More than half (59%) of staff never socialise with their manager
  • A third of UK employees (34%) would actively avoid their manager outside of work
  • Four in 10 managers (39%) say they’ve never received management training
    (Source:  Totaljobs)

    Potentially resulting is poor morale, and increased staff turnover.  According to XperHR, the costs to employ someone new is:  
  • 10 weeks for directors (£12,780) 
  • six weeks for managers (£3,945)
  • four weeks for staff (£2,158)

    So doesn't it make sense to utilise and manage the greatest assets in your business and teams?

So where are you and your management team right now?

❌ Stressed

❌ Low on confidence

❌ Poor Morale

❌ Not making decisions

❌ Making poor decisions

❌ Lack of engagement with the team

❌ Poor results

❌ High staff turnover

Where would you like your management team to be?



Performing at their peak

Have a fully motivated and driven team

Be able to manage any situation

Driving the business forward

Making confident decisions

Communicating effectively

Planning concisely

Adapting to every situation

The Management M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. University will give you that

and more....

So the only question is; how do you get from where you are now,

to where you want to be?

Request A Call To See How I can Help Your Business

Hi, I'm Dave.

I'm an award winning Peak Performance Coach and #1 best selling author.

Dave is one of the UK's most sought after Peak Performance coaches with nearly 40 years experience working in, and with management of all levels.   I know so many businesses are not reaching their full potential.

Traditionally, most businesses put on one management course after another and get some initial results, but these results rarely last for a prolonged period. 

Why?  Most businesses focus 100% on strategy, which is what traditional training courses are.  Now, there is nothing wrong with that as it does work.  However, for a really successful business and team, it is 20% Strategy and 80% Psychology.

With The Managent M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. University, you get both!

For over 15 years, I have been coaching businesses improve their management skills in a sustainable way and therefore, the business increases it's turnover, effectiveness and overall profit.  Because, I have a passion to help businesses, and their management teams fulfill their true potential. Therefore, I have invested money and time with many world leaders in the industry.   What that means to you is, I have loads of tools and strategies at my disposal to help you achieve your goals, and take your management team and business to the next level.  

When my clients have worked with me, they increase their turnover on average 20% and for most, much more, reduce staff turnover, increase team morale, increase productivity, to name some typical results.

So arrange a call, let's have a chat, see where you are and how I can help your business reach it's full potential.

Poonam - HR Officer

"I had the pleasure of attending one of Dave's courses.  Dave is an exceptional trainer, his best talent is that he cares. He cared enough to take the time to tailor the course according to the delegate needs. He cares enough to offer support throughout the course, and when that isn’t enough he will go the extra mile in his own time to ensure that he has given you the best possible help he can. Not only does he teach you the tools you need to better perform in your role, but he also supports and motivates you to perform better. I’d recommend anyone to attend his courses and hopefully take away the positive messages that I did."

Paula - Manager

I had the pleasure of meeting Dave on a recent leadership training course. Not only did Dave greet me with the warmest, friendliest smile but throughout the day he was engaging, patient, professional and put me at complete ease. Every question was met with a thorough response, never did I feel that anything I asked was 'silly.' I came away from the day feeling empowered and with the best possible tools to confidently lead my Team. Having attended courses in the past where I have been 'talked at,' Dave's style of training was such a breath of fresh air - I felt valued and that my opinion was important. Without question, the knowledge that Dave shared with me is invaluable - this coupled with the fun that Dave injected made for my perfect learning environment. I highly recommend Dave to anyone that is lucky enough to come into contact with him - thank you!

Sarah - Learning & Development Specialist

"I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the training session last week; it was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to have you as our facilitator. I left the session with a host of new knowledge I will apply, a completely new perspective on how I need to view the training I deliver and I feel genuinely inspired. You have a fantastic gift for facilitation, thank you so much for your help."

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